This is our first proper blog post and I thought that we might start with something pretty damn awesome!
I believe it was around 2 Years Ago that I setup Final Fantasy VII on my iPad, I had played it when I was seven years old and instantly fell in love and to this day I will stand by my statement that it is the best video game ever. I decided to replay it and originally was playing it through 'psx4all' by 'ZodTTD', eventually iOS got updated and the emulator broke, thankfully around the same time 'RetroArch for iOS' was released, you can find the link for the emulator here:
When I started using RetroArch I wasn't too pleased with the default controller overlays so I decided to make my own. I started with fixing up the button locations so they were in a more comfortable playing position and so they didn't overlap the screen. Next up was the annoying fact that the default layouts had the 'Slow Motion' and 'Fast Forward' Buttons on a second screen, not only was this annoying to tap between controller overlays while playing but you couldn't use the Slow Motion Function as it needs to be held down to work. So I decided to further delve into the Config Files for the Overlays and add in the buttons to the main controller set. Once I started I couldn't stop, I kept tweaking until my insane needs for perfection were met. I finally finished up by adding in some Final Fantasy VII Graphics to the Controller GUI, just to pretty it up a bit. Here is the finished product in action:
I am aware that there are ways to connect your Playstation 3 Bluetooth Controller to your iPad and play Final Fantasy VII Full Screen Landscape with normal controls on a physical controller, but that solution isn't portable. I decided the Portrait Orientation was the best for playing Playstation on your iPad, it's just pickup and go, controller on the bottom half, game on the top half and it's still big enough to play and comfortable to boot. So it made sense to design a controller for the screen orientation that I preferred.
There are some pretty unreal benefits of playing Final Fantasy VII on the iPad with RetroArch. Utilising features such as Save State along with the easy to access 'Slow-Mo' and 'Speed Up' Buttons that I have created many things in the game are a hell of a lot easier and less frustrating to complete, the following video outlines the benefits you will reap from using my Controller Overlay:
If you would like to download the controller overlays please use the following links:
You will need to un-zip the appropriate file, there will be a PNG File and a CFG File, the PNG is the Graphical Content while the CFG is the code behind the buttons that RetroArch interprets. You will need to transfer these files into the RetroArch Overlays Directory on your iPad, I like to use iFunBox ( Your best bet is to select System Applications -> RetroArch -> Overlays and use the 'Copy From Mac' Button to copy them into here, the following picture will help illustrate where it goes:
You then need to go into RetroArch and set the controller overlay for the particular core that you are using, I use PCSX ReARMed for Final Fantasy VII. If you need further instruction of how to setup the overlay with the RetroArch App on iPad let me know and I'll be able to help you out.
That should be that, load up your Final Fantasy VII ROM and enjoy the comfort of your new controller skin and reap the benefits of Slow-Mo and Speed Up! Looking forward to hearing what you think!
Take it easy!
That should be that, load up your Final Fantasy VII ROM and enjoy the comfort of your new controller skin and reap the benefits of Slow-Mo and Speed Up! Looking forward to hearing what you think!
Take it easy!
Tech 709
*Please note that in RetroArch and the Slow-Mo Feature doesn't seem to work, it's not a fault with my button, you press it and 'Slow Motion' writes on the screen, it just doesn't seem to slow down, I have tried to troubleshoot this issue but with no solution at the moment, I'm guessing it's a software bug and will be patched in a future update.